A Dedication from the Author
Many people deserve recognition for any book and particularly this one. I am very grateful to the people who have taught me how to teach — my students! I have been blessed with the opportunity to teach thousands of people during my career. Here is a list of some of the students that have had a particularly memorable impact on my understanding of how to navigate the journey from the classroom to the workplace:
Amanda Abajian * Chiara Adin * Sungjoon Ahn *Lisa Alpert * Alessandra Antenucci * Collinwood Anderson * Giselle Aristy * Ashley Armada * Dina Atallah * Ayokunle Jemiri* Alisha Bacchus * Shauna Baird * Sheeva Banton * Samantha Mckenzie-Baril * Gregory Barone * Tammy Bart * Valsey Bartley * Richard Battista * Sharon Bentolilla *Jackie Berg * Ilona Bilevych *Sophia Hanna-Bitar * Lindsay Bonamassa * Christine Boulos * Joe Breed * Odalice Brito * Noel Brown * Laura Bruzzese * Tracy Bucco * Denise Capozzalo * Nicole Cardoza * Angela Carullo*Julian Carvalho *Mat Cebula * Arupa Chandradath * Johane Nia Jean-Charles * Ting-Ting Chiu * Weber Chou * Stephanie Cella * Amy Cheng * Lauren Chiarello * Christopher Chiusano * Amanda Chonoles * Jib Clervoy * Janikka Coons * Gerta Condo *Kimberly Cordero * Jocelyne Correia * Kim Cousins * Anthony Cuellar * Brigid Crowley * Dylan Curtis * Khadija Dawson * Steve Dawson * Taber DeCarlo * Thomas Decker * Stamatina Demetis * Coco DeSantis * Andres Diaz * Nicole Dib * Renee DiBenedetto * Jo DiGiampietro * Jennifer Dobbeck * Anna Dudik * Marville DuQuesnay * Walter Dusseldorp * Michele Dwaileebe * Karim El Rabiey * Lauren Eriksen * Everton Reid * Julia Farber * Liz Fernanda * Fallon Faraone * Krystal Fessette * Heather Figlar * Meb Francisco * Sara Franklin * Mary Garcia * Mike Garcia * Olga Geller * Denise Gene * Daniel Giaccio * Lisa Giardanella * Sean Gibbons * Jeffrey Ginzburg * Nina Gittsovitch * Gabrielle Goetz * Sophie Goitein * Carrie Goodman * Vanessa Laguna Gomez * Nicole Grant * Livan Grijalva * Andrew Hall * Nicole Haltses * Ashley Hamilton * Jason Hanussak * Seema Harryginsingh * Renee Harleston * Sarah Hartley *Deirdre Heid * Renee Herendeen * Alexis Hernandez * Susan Hettinger * Eric Hnatov * Jessica Holguin * Alex Horton * Brittany Hutt * Dhiraj Jain * Lili Jiang * Allen Jimerson * Ana Joachin * Tamika Joseph * Jon Jung * Martina Kalinowska * Seth Kight *Jon Koeppel * Isabel Kofman * Irina Kosoy * Samantha Koste * Jun Kuang * Tara Lantieri * Emer Lawn * Ashley Lawson * Diana Lettera * Sha Liu * TinAn Liu * Ronald Linares * Maleria Luciano * Hanna Lundstedt * Jenny Luo * Wendy Luong * Jamie Lutz * Diana Lyon * Claudia Magic * Frederic Maingois * Antoinette Manigbas * Nicole Mannino * Daniela Mansella * Alexander Marchuk * Jessica Marsillo * Kisha Martez * Nicole Mason * Siria Matos * Kathryn McColley * Kristine Mckay * Martin McNulty * d’Alene Meardon * Andrea Mennella * Patricia Meore * Meredith Mercil * Casey Miller * Natascha Miner * Timothy Moffit * Virginia Molnar * Patti-Ann Moriello * Kate Mudd * Pili Musalem * Danny Pecoraro * Marco Penta * Eileen Perez * Becky Novak * Sarah Nethercott * Vickie Nikci * Benjamin Ochnio * Holly Ohanian * Heather O’Shea * Maddy Pagano * Liza Pappas * Katie Paricio * John Paradisi * Ana Pavoni * Jill Pfau * Laurie Pierre * Carly Pisarri * Amanda Peters * Katelyn Platz * Christine Poblete * Reshmee Rajnairain * Marissa Rofer * Amy Rollo * Maria Romano * Anthony Reinhart * Theresa Reyes * Megan Ringfield * LaChante Robertson * Scott Rubin * Raele Sabounjian * Joseph Sacks * Jamie Samaroo * Derek Schaub * Lauren Schubert * Kristen Scivolette * Bhoomi Shah * Jahanara Siddiqui * RJ Silver * Eric Simpson * Isha Singh * Alicia Scordo * Yuliya Skobeleva * Anna Stamatellos * Carissa Stavrakos * Yvonne Steiert * Liz Stortz * David Suk * Marc Tammen * Cat Tanujaya * Brian Temporosa * Ayana Testamark *Kashima Thoms * Jason To * David Trahan * Thuy Vu Tran * RJ Trasorras * James Uminowicz * Mark Vasquez * Sarah Veltser * Ramon Venero * Richard Vielma * Andrea Vlad * Philip Vonthron * Lana Voynova * Lateek Willie * Stephen Williams * Yan Xie * Carolina Zapata * Idalis Zapata *
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